Friday, 8 February 2008

Weaves & Contacts

Just been to Nancy's and had a really good lesson (thanks Nancy). I had told Nancy that I wanted to concentrate on the weaves with Tigg as I am struggling to get him from V's or Channels onto the uprights. Anyway Nancy had a look at what he could do on theV's, then we tried putting some of the poles upright and it is clear that he really doesn't understand. So with Nancy's advice we kept him on the slightly open V's and practised lots of different things. He was completing the weaves with me infront or if I left him to do them all by himself and I didn't move from the beginning. He knows that he has to do all 12 weaves regardless of where I am or what I'm doing. I am now just going to practice lots of those exercises and NOT do any upright weaves with him for a month or two. I will go back to Nancy in about a months time and hopefully we can see what stage he's at. The one good thing is that I have spent alot of time working on weave entries and he did prove that he can find the entries. I will continue to proof those whilst on the V weaves.
We then talked alot about his contact position and he does a lovely touch at the bottom of the contact. I have talked to Nancy about his contacts and I am going to do a similar exercise that Nancy has been doing with Niamh. I am going to put my dogwalk plank down onto the mini table and just practice running him at speed down the plank and proofing his contact position.
Nancy has given my alot of things to work on and I must make the effort and go up the field and put the ideas into practice.
Anyway off to do abit of sheep herding with Chip and Tigg tomorrow and then I've got 2 sessions of 8 people/dogs coming upto my field on Sunday for a weave workshop. At least the weathers improved.

1 comment:

Hudsondoglets said...

He was a very good boy in his lesson. He's really coming on and is fun to train.